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Our Benefits

Pet Wellness Benefit 

A wellness benefit in pet insurance is designed to promote and support regular preventive healthcare for pets. It encourages pet owners to proactively manage their pet’s health by covering the costs associated with routine veterinary care and preventive measures.

The goal is to ensure that pets receive regular check-ups, vaccinations, and screenings to prevent illnesses and catch potential health issues early, ultimately leading to healthier and longer lives for pets. Here’s what you should know about a wellness benefit:

1. Coverage for Preventive Care


A wellness benefit typically covers a range of preventive healthcare services and expenses that contribute to your pet’s overall well-being. This benefit, subject to the Overall Annual Maximum and the applicable sub-limits as set out in your Schedule of Insurance and Benefits, includes the following:


• Titer testing

• Vaccinations/ Injection fees

• Consultation fee

• Heartworm prevention

• Faecal test

• Deworming

• Microchip

• Flea/ Tick prevention

• Nail trim

• Elective sterilisation/ neutering

• Dental check-up


2. Routine Veterinary Visits

It covers the costs of regular veterinary check-ups and wellness exams, which can help detect health issues in their early stages and ensure your pet’s health is monitored consistently.


3. Vaccinations

Coverage includes vaccinations to protect your pet against various contagious diseases. These vaccinations are often required by law and are essential for preventing illnesses.


4. Preventive Medications

This benfit includes coverage for preventive medications such as flea and tick preventives, heartworm preventives, and other preventive treatments recommended by your veterinarian.


5. Dental Care

Our wellness benefits include coverage for routine dental check-ups, helping to maintain good oral health and prevent dental issues.


6. Diagnostic Testing

Coverage may extend to diagnostic tests and screenings, such as blood tests or fecal examinations, to detect early signs of diseases or health problems.


7. Preventive Procedures

Certain preventive procedures like spaying or neutering may be included in the wellness benefit.


8. Cost Sharing

You may still be responsible for a portion of the costs, such as deductibles or co-payments, depending on the policy’s terms. There is a claim limit per Wellness benefits of R575. We also have a annual limit for this benefit of R2200.


9. Regular Vet Visits Encouragement

By providing coverage for preventive care, wellness benefits encourage pet owners to maintain regular veterinary visits and adopt a proactive approach to their pet’s health.


10. Potential Cost Savings

Over time, regular preventive care can potentially save pet owners money by reducing the likelihood of costly treatments for advanced illnesses or conditions.


11. Waiting Periods

Waiting periods in pet insurance serve as a positive measure to ensure responsible pet ownership and the well-being of our furry companions. By implementing a 6-month waiting period for wellness benefits, we aim to distinguish between pets that are already ill and those that are healthy and proactive in their care.


This separation allows us to provide coverage for pets that are maintaining their health through regular veterinary visits and preventive measures. It encourages pet owners to prioritize their pets’ well-being by establishing a history of preventive care before accessing benefits. Ultimately, this approach enables us to support the ongoing health and happiness of pets while maintaining the affordability and sustainability of pet insurance for all responsible pet parents. Waiting periods act as a protective buffer, ensuring that pets receive the care they need to stay healthy in the long run.


If you prioritize preventive healthcare for your pet and want to ensure their long-term health, consider a pet insurance policy with a wellness benefit or inquire about wellness add-ons or riders that can be added to your existing policy. Regular veterinary care and preventive measures are essential components of responsible pet ownership and can contribute to a happier and healthier life for your pet.

Pet Dental Benefits

Good dental pet insurance coverage can help pet owners manage the costs associated with their pet’s dental care, which can be a significant part of overall pet healthcare.


Dental issues in pets, such as periodontal disease and dental injuries, are common, and addressing them promptly is essential for your pet’s well-being. Here are the key benefits that are offered on the PetFirst dental Treatment benefit:

1. Dental Cleanings

Comprehensive dental coverage which include routine dental cleanings, typically on an annual or semi-annual basis. These cleanings are essential for maintaining your pet’s oral health and preventing dental problems.


2. Dental Exams

Coverage for dental exams by a veterinarian to assess your pet’s dental health and identify any potential issues.


3. Dental X-Rays

Coverage for dental X-rays, which are often necessary to diagnose dental problems that may not be visible during a regular exam.


4. Periodontal Disease Treatment

Coverage for the treatment of periodontal disease, which may include procedures such as tooth extractions, scaling, root planing, and antibiotic therapy.


5. Oral Surgery

Coverage for dental surgeries, including the removal of damaged or infected teeth, gum surgeries, and other oral procedures.


6. Coverage for Oral Medications

Some dental conditions may require long-term medication or antibiotics, and coverage for these medications should be part of the policy..


7. Exclusions

This benefit EXCLUDES dental check-ups, consultation fees, orthodontic treatments and dentures.


8. Pre-existing Conditions

PetFirst does not cover pre-existing dental conditions.


9. Waiting Periods

The 12-month waiting period for Dental coverage is a crucial component of our pet insurance policy, designed to provide a balanced and fair approach to coverage. Waiting periods are not meant to be seen negatively; rather, they serve as essential tools to safeguard the integrity of the insurance system. By implementing a waiting period for Dental treatments, we ensure that any existing or apparent dental diseases are not known or present at the time of policy enrollment.


This allows us to calculate risks more accurately, maintain competitive pricing, and ensure that coverage is accessible to a broad range of pet owners. It also encourages responsible pet ownership by incentivizing pet parents to enroll their pets in insurance early, thereby promoting a proactive approach to their pets’ health. While waiting periods may seem lengthy, they are a valuable aspect of our policy that ultimately benefits both our policyholders and their beloved pets.


When considering dental pet insurance, it’s essential to carefully review the policy terms, coverage limits, and any exclusions to ensure that it meets your pet’s specific dental healthcare needs. Dental health is a crucial aspect of your pet’s overall well-being, and having insurance coverage can help ensure that they receive the necessary dental care without causing a significant financial burden.

Pet Hereditary Treatment

A hereditary treatment benefit in pet insurance refers to coverage for medical treatments and care related to hereditary or congenital conditions in your pet. Hereditary conditions are health issues that are genetically passed down from one generation to another and are often present at birth or become apparent as your pet ages.

These conditions can affect various aspects of your pet’s health, including their bones, joints, organs, and overall well-being.


Here are key points to understand about hereditary treatment benefits in pet insurance:


1. Coverage for Hereditary Conditions

This benefit provides coverage for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of hereditary conditions that your pet may develop over their lifetime. Common hereditary conditions in pets can include hip dysplasia, certain heart conditions, eye issues, and more.


2. Diagnosis and Testing

The benefit may cover the costs associated with diagnostic tests, such as genetic testing or imaging (e.g., X-rays, ultrasounds), to confirm the presence of a hereditary condition.


3. Treatment Options

It typically covers the costs of treatment options, which may include surgery, medications, physical therapy, or other necessary interventions to manage or alleviate the symptoms of the hereditary condition.


4. Chronic Condition Coverage

Some hereditary conditions are chronic and may require ongoing treatment or management throughout your pet’s life. A hereditary treatment benefit should cover the costs associated with long-term care.


5. Pre-existing Conditions

PetFirst do not cover pre-existing conditions, which are health issues that were present before the policy’s effective date. Hereditary conditions that are diagnosed after the policy’s start date should be covered, but pre-existing hereditary conditions may not be eligible for coverage. Be aware that there is a 24 month waiting period for this benefit.


6. Limits and Deductibles

Like other coverage aspects of pet insurance, there are annual limits on hereditary treatment benefits. More details on this can be found in the sublimit table at the bottom of this benefits information page.


7. Waiting Periods

Most pet insurance policies have waiting periods before certain coverages become active, so be aware of these waiting periods, especially if you have a pet with a known hereditary condition. The 24-month waiting period for hereditary treatment coverage is a crucial component of our pet insurance policy, designed to provide a balanced and fair approach to coverage. Waiting periods are not meant to be seen negatively; rather, they serve as essential tools to safeguard the integrity of the insurance system.


By implementing a waiting period for hereditary conditions, we ensure that any existing or apparent hereditary diseases are not known or present at the time of policy enrollment.


This allows us to calculate risks more accurately, maintain competitive pricing, and ensure that coverage is accessible to a broad range of pet owners. It also encourages responsible pet ownership by incentivizing pet parents to enroll their pets in insurance early, thereby promoting a proactive approach to their pets’ health. While waiting periods may seem lengthy, they are a valuable aspect of our policy that ultimately benefits both our policyholders and their beloved pets.


Hereditary treatment benefits in pet insurance are valuable for pet owners with breeds that are prone to specific hereditary conditions. They can provide financial support for managing and treating these conditions, ensuring that your pet receives the care they need to lead a healthy and comfortable life. As with any insurance coverage, it’s essential to read the policy terms and conditions carefully, ask questions, and choose a policy that aligns with your pet’s specific health needs.


Public Liability

Public liability insurance in the context of pet insurance refers to coverage that protects pet owners from legal and financial liabilities in case their pet causes harm or damage to other people, their property, or other pets.

This type of insurance is particularly important because pets can sometimes behave unpredictably, and accidents or incidents can happen despite an owner’s best efforts to control their pet.


Here’s a more detailed explanation of public liability insurance in the context of pet insurance:

1. Coverage for Public Liability 

Public liability insurance in pet insurance typically covers the costs associated with third-party claims, including medical bills, property damage, and legal expenses if your pet injures someone or damages someone else’s property. It can also cover situations where your pet injures another pet.


2. Examples of Coverage

Dog bites

If your dog bites someone, causing injuries that require medical attention, public liability insurance can help cover the medical expenses of the injured party.


Property Damage

If your pet damages someone’s property, such as tearing up a neighbour’s expensive garden or destroying their belongings, this insurance can help cover the repair or replacement costs.


Other Pet Injuries

If your pet gets into a fight with another pet and causes injuries, the insurance may cover the veterinary bills of the injured pet.


3. Legal Protection

If a third party decides to file a lawsuit against you as a result of your pet’s actions, public liability insurance can also help cover your legal defense costs. This is important because legal battles can be expensive.


4. Policy Limits

Like other insurance policies, public liability insurance for pets may have coverage limits and deductibles. You’ll need to be aware of these limits when selecting a policy to ensure that you have sufficient coverage for potential liabilities. Our limits are R200 000.


5. Breed-Specific Considerations

Some insurance providers may have breed-specific restrictions or exclusions, as certain dog breeds are considered riskier due to their historical tendencies toward aggression. Be sure to check the policy details and restrictions specific to your pet’s breed. There is no public liability cover for loss, damage, bodily injury or death caused by any of the following dog breeds:


• Pit Bull

• American Staffordshire Terrier

• American Bully

• Boerboel

• Rottweiler

• Sharpei

• Any other Staffordshire Bull terrier

• Bull Terrier

• Chow Chow

• Doberman Pinscher

• German Shepherd / Alsatian


(We don’t cover public liability for Cats )


6. Responsible Pet Ownership

Public liability insurance encourages responsible pet ownership by ensuring that pet owners take financial responsibility for any harm their pets may cause to others.


In summary, public liability insurance in the context of pet insurance is designed to protect pet owners from the financial consequences of incidents where their pets cause harm or damage to others.


It provides coverage for medical expenses, property damage, legal defense costs, and other costs associated with such incidents. Having this insurance can give pet owners peace of mind and protect them from unexpected financial liabilities.


7. Waiting Periods

Most pet insurance policies have waiting periods before certain coverages become active, so be aware of these waiting periods, especially if you have a pet with a known hereditary condition. The 24-month waiting period for hereditary treatment coverage is a crucial component of our pet insurance policy, designed to provide a balanced and fair approach to coverage. Waiting periods are not meant to be seen negatively; rather, they serve as essential tools to safeguard the integrity of the insurance system.


By implementing a waiting period for hereditary conditions, we ensure that any existing or apparent hereditary diseases are not known or present at the time of policy enrollment.


This allows us to calculate risks more accurately, maintain competitive pricing, and ensure that coverage is accessible to a broad range of pet owners. It also encourages responsible pet ownership by incentivizing pet parents to enroll their pets in insurance early, thereby promoting a proactive approach to their pets’ health. While waiting periods may seem lengthy, they are a valuable aspect of our policy that ultimately benefits both our policyholders and their beloved pets.


Hereditary treatment benefits in pet insurance are valuable for pet owners with breeds that are prone to specific hereditary conditions. They can provide financial support for managing and treating these conditions, ensuring that your pet receives the care they need to lead a healthy and comfortable life. As with any insurance coverage, it’s essential to read the policy terms and conditions carefully, ask questions, and choose a policy that aligns with your pet’s specific health needs.


Pet Search & Rescue

A search and rescue benefit in pet insurance refers to a specific coverage or provision within a pet insurance policy that offers financial support and coverage for search and rescue activities performed for your pet’s recovery.

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While many pet insurance policies are primarily designed to cover common healthcare expenses for pets, including accidents and illnesses, a search and rescue benefit would extend coverage to the unique risks and expenses associated with search and rescue work that your pet is involved in.

1. Coverage for Search and Rescue Activities

This benefit provides coverage for the operation involved in the recovery of your missing pets. This extends to the costs involved in posters, letters, marketing campaigns and rewards. It is meant to cover the costs associated with the efforts of pet owner and volunteers on finding your pet and can be used accordingly. Proof of all payments for this benefit need to be shared at claim stage.


2. Accident and Illness Coverage

The benefit would typically cover both accidental injuries and illnesses that your pet may sustain during search and rescue missions. This could include injuries like sprains, fractures, or lacerations, as well as illnesses related to exposure or stress.


3. Rehabilitation and Recovery

If your pet requires rehabilitation or ongoing care to recover from injuries sustained during search and rescue missions, the benefit would cover these expenses.


4. Important information

We will pay for the reasonable cost of advertising locally and for the recovery of your Pet if it is lost or stolen, provided that all reasonable measures and safeguards were taken by the Policyholder to mitigate against the Pet being lost or stolen. It is important that the safety of the pet was in place before the incident occurred. There is a 6 month waiting period for this benefit and a lifetime maximum of R2500.



Public Liability
Search & Rescue
Dental Benefit
Hereditary Treatment
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